Ok, so I am back from Rome. I would have to rate it as my least favourite place thus far (well, not including Calais, which was merde). I think I did it the wrong way though, but there seem to be only 2 ways to do Rome as a backpacker. Make your own way around and look at the pretty things and have no idea what they are cos there are very few written notices for tourists, or you can pay for a tour, where you get WAY too much information because there is 5 years of history in the one spot, and you cannot process it all, you get bored with hearing all the dates and figures and your brain actually shuts down. I spoent the first 2 days in brain shut down mode, and the last 2 in wonder around mode, and I prefered the least information. I can always read about it later if I am that interested! There are LOADS of backpackers (almost all Australian) walking around Rome with maps and confused looks on their faces. The only people with smiles are the rich old people who are probably on their 50th trip and don't need the facts anymore, or the love sick honeymooners almost having sex everytime they see anything new (don't mind me, you carry on, I'll just squeeze past to get to look at that over there shall I?). The good thing was it was about 15-20'C every day and I didn't need my coat at all, and most days barely needed my jumper. I shouldn't say only good thing, as it was very pretty in parts, but there's just too much going on to appreciate all of it. It needed to be spread out over like 5 cities so you didn't get overwhelmed. Anyways.... here's my journey to Rome...
18/1- I left England on one of the windiest days ever (50-60mph winds) as there was a hurricane somewhere near by. On the way to the airport we passed 4 massive semi trailers that had just blown over. It was bad. Half the flights were delayed, some were cancelled, but even though we took off 45 mins late, due to what the captain called "a very strong tail wind" we only arrived 10 mins late. I got a transfer coach to the station and then walked to where I was sure the hostel was, going by the instructions on their website, however it was not on any maps. I found it fine, only 3 minutes from station. I was in a room that shoulod be the boys room first, cos there was a mixed group in the girl's room. It was ok though, apart from the world's smallest shower! I had a drama about what to do with my luggage cos everyone tells you muggings are high, yet there were no locks on the doors or safes for bags, so I would have to decide whether to take stuff with me or risk it in the hostel!
19/1- I got up fairly early, had my free breakfast and left for the open top bus, to get my bearings on where things were. This was over an hour of information on bits and pieces. I went on a loop and a bit as I needed to be at the Colosseum for a 2pm tour. I got there early so I sat in a cafe just opposite and had lasagne.

Then when I was walking around a person asked me if I wanted to go on a tour inside, skip the queue and get a guide. There were only 2 others on it, so it was almost apersonal tour. I did that, as my walking tour I booked only did the outside. It was quite infomative,but not too much. Then when that finished I went and joined the walking tour. Our guide for this was a Roman archaeologist who was very passionate so we got WAY too much information and our 3 hours tour turned into over 4 hours! We went to the Colosseum, Roman Forum,

Wedding Cake building, Trevi fountain (where I threw in a coin),

Pantheon and Piazza Navona. By the time we finished it was dark and noone was able to listen anymore. He was very knowledgeable, but it was just overload of information. Some interesting, some not. Then I got lost trying to get back to the hostel and was starving so I had maccas with one of the best views!
20/1- I was booked on a tour of the Vatican and Sistene Chapel so I went to catch the bus with the tour and off we went. The Vatican is massive and such an excessive place. It is very beautiful and full of loads of nice, expensive things that have been presented from other countries. Again, there are no labels for what everything is, and the guide was on a strict time schedule so we only saw what she showed us. On interesting fact was all the ceiling that looks like it is relief is all trompe l'oil and painted flat.

The sistene chapel was nothing like I expected and was like being in primary school as you had a load of guards clapping their hands, shushing everyone and yelling "no photo!" (but I snuck one anyways!).

Then when the tour ended I caught my open top bus again to the Spanish Steps, where I sat and ate Pizza. There were so many people around, locals out walking, shoppers from the sales, toursists.

I had to catch the metro to the steps as I got lost, and that was an experience in itself. You have to shove onto an already crowded carriage before everyone has even gotten off, as the doors just close and off it goes. FUN!
21/1- Oh My God! I took the advice of my guide book and went on a walk. I walked for 9 hours! I was exhausted! On my adventures I went to the most confusing museum ever (Capitolini) which the only cool thing in was large fragments of statues from the excessive days of BC Roman times.

Then I went to a church which has the 'mouth of truth' a marble disc outside that they used to put people's hands in to see if they had sinned and legend says it would sever the fingers of the hands of a sinner. Apparently a priest used to stand behind it and whack the fingers of those he knew had sinned. I survived so I must be a good girl!

Then i went to Ponte Sant' Angelo and from there Castel Sant' Angelo, which you can walk to the top of and get an amazing view of Rome. It was a cloudy day though, otherwise it would have been perfect.

I then went on my own adventures to the most expensive street in Rome down from the Spanish Steps again, where there are all the lahdidah shops, and found an amusing sign telling you the rules for the Spanish Steps.

Then on to a park with another commanding view, and I somehow ended up back at the Trevi fountain where I had a Gelato.
22/1- My everything ached geting out of bed after my marathon the day before! I went to St Peter's Bascillica with my 2 roommates from the hostel,

and then they went one way and I went to Circo Massimo which used to be a chariot arena, and is now a running track, and then back to the Pantheon as when I went before it was night time.

I had a very nice (if not expensive) fettucini and hot chocolate in front of the Pantheon, and then I went to the market I tried the day before on my walk but was closed, to find I had just missed it and they were finishing up the packing away. GRRR. Then I gave up and went back to the hostel.
23/1- I got back to England and it was 3'C! COLD!!!!! I went to the pub quiz with Louise and her friends, then stayed the night at the rellies place.
24/1- I woke up thismorning to discover that last night it snowed! Not much, but is snowed!!!

I am back in Bristol now and I don't think it snowed here. Noone is home yet for me to ask.
Anyways, that is my adventures in Rome.