the answers to my super hard quiz are...
Q1: In Nuremburg Hitler planned to build a second, larger rally ground before his plans were halted due to the war. Work had already begun and the commenced site has been turned into...?C) a lake
Q2: King Ludwig II didn't like flags so when he was in residence at Linderhof Castle he had his staff put 2 life size brass and enamel WHAT out the front of the doorway instead...?
A) Peacocks
Q3: In Rothenburg in the 13th century the citizens of each house were legally required to store enough what to last their household an entire year...?
D) Grains
Q4: In the early days of santa claus he used to have a companion travel with him who was...?
B) his opposite (there was an evil santa who ate the bad kids!)
Q5: In Frankfurt there is an area of town called Museumsufer and the city has 34 museums. Which of the following is NOT a museum found in Frankfurt...?
B) Ballet Museum
Q6: In Cologne there is a railway bridge that goes over the river and into the hauptbahnof (main station) and from (u can see it in foto below). How many trains go over this bridge each day?
B) 14,000
Q7: Cologne Cathedral is the 2nd largest in Europe. Its relics bring people from all over the world to visit it. How many people visit the cathedral every day?
A) 15,000
Q8: In the Hannover town hall you travel in a lift to the 3rd floor, then get in another lift which takes you to the top of the tower. This lift shares something with only one other lift in the world, the lift in the eiffel tower. What is it?
C) travels on an angle
Q9: Liverpool is famous for being the biggest trader in Europ of what in the 1740's?
D) Slaves
Q10: Between 1896 and 1956 Liverpool had WHAT that was the first of it's kind in the world when it was built?
A) Elevated railway
And the winner is.... *drumroll* Alan with 5/10.
I have had a rather stressed out week. Horrible kids, one of whom I am concerned about and have to speak to someone when i get back next week. But other than that I am still plodding on. Got my band concert tonight, in a church, which should be interesting, cos the rehearsal as there on wednesday and it sounds not quite good. I have to make a chart today for the kids i have all next week to try and encourage good behaviour. So thats my weekend plan. Make a chart, band concert, clean the bathroom. If its sunny tomorrow i might go on the bristol open top bus. Get some info on the local area!
I'm just living for next weekend at the moment, when its mid-term holidays, and I get a week off. London, dirty dancing, the london eye, off to belgium, come back, visit from my aunt and uncle, tour to the cotswolds. Its gonna be my last week of madness (that i have booked in at least).
Oh, and on Tuesday I drove all the way up to northampton after work for my cousin's 21st dinner, then slept there and drove back from 5am to be at work at 8.30am. Dinner was at a japanese restaurant, and we had the whole cooked in front of us and thrown at us and stuff.
I set this up so that everyone can keep track of me on my travels. Hope you enjoy reading.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
I have proof
I have been saying, jokingly, the whole time I have been teaching that they must have my file highlighted for bad schools or something. I know I must have earnt a reputation as being able to survive in these sorts of schools, but I was just joking when I said I was targetted for them. Today I got proof.
I have been working in a school with the worse class in the school (nothing compared to innercity Bristol, but still "lively" as the person I deal with at Select calls them). And I was there Thurs and Fri last week, when they booked me for thisafternoon, and Thurs and Fri this week.
When I left today I got a message saying to ring about work. And he said he has gota different school I havent been to before but the same class for me Tues and Wed this week and all next well. He then went on to explain they mentioned it was a "lively" class, and he said I wasn't available thurs and fri, and they were happy to work around that. That means he must say I am the best person for a lively class, cos they have LOADS of teachers on their books just sitting around waiting for calls, I am already booked, but he reccommends me. Finally, proof that I am their "lively class" go to person!
I am kind of proud of this fact, however I am also a bit confused. Up until September last year the most amount of time I had ever spent teaching in a school was 3 weeks on my 3rd year prac. I am only qualified to teach up to 8 yr olds. I didn't even pass my interview with the Dept of Education when I was in my final year of uni because they said I wasn't what they were looking for. Yet here I am being hand picked to work in the toughest schools with the toughest classes because I don't go home crying at the end of the day, and I don'twalk out at recess because I can't take it.
The confusing bit is, they have people on their books who are semi-retired so doing supply because it doesn't have the stress, who have been teaching locally for 30+ years and some have even been head teachers, yet I am the one they ask. The 26 yr old Aussie girl with no local knowledge and no prior school experience. The only thing I can think of that puts me in this position is that I have 4 years of essentially behaviour guidance learnings from uni, and 4 years experience implementing this, so these "lively" classes are essentially really large 3 yr olds, who talk back and swear!
So yeah, I just wanted to put that in writing, because I think it is quite amazing that little (not that little) old me is their go-to person. I also found out a while back, through talking to other supply people, not everyone is on the guaranteed work scheme, like I am, and they keep offering me. So they obviously want me. Just thought I'd toot my own horn a bit, and share this with whoever reads this, because it has made me feel quite proud of myself. so... TOOT TOOT!
I have been working in a school with the worse class in the school (nothing compared to innercity Bristol, but still "lively" as the person I deal with at Select calls them). And I was there Thurs and Fri last week, when they booked me for thisafternoon, and Thurs and Fri this week.
When I left today I got a message saying to ring about work. And he said he has gota different school I havent been to before but the same class for me Tues and Wed this week and all next well. He then went on to explain they mentioned it was a "lively" class, and he said I wasn't available thurs and fri, and they were happy to work around that. That means he must say I am the best person for a lively class, cos they have LOADS of teachers on their books just sitting around waiting for calls, I am already booked, but he reccommends me. Finally, proof that I am their "lively class" go to person!
I am kind of proud of this fact, however I am also a bit confused. Up until September last year the most amount of time I had ever spent teaching in a school was 3 weeks on my 3rd year prac. I am only qualified to teach up to 8 yr olds. I didn't even pass my interview with the Dept of Education when I was in my final year of uni because they said I wasn't what they were looking for. Yet here I am being hand picked to work in the toughest schools with the toughest classes because I don't go home crying at the end of the day, and I don'twalk out at recess because I can't take it.
The confusing bit is, they have people on their books who are semi-retired so doing supply because it doesn't have the stress, who have been teaching locally for 30+ years and some have even been head teachers, yet I am the one they ask. The 26 yr old Aussie girl with no local knowledge and no prior school experience. The only thing I can think of that puts me in this position is that I have 4 years of essentially behaviour guidance learnings from uni, and 4 years experience implementing this, so these "lively" classes are essentially really large 3 yr olds, who talk back and swear!
So yeah, I just wanted to put that in writing, because I think it is quite amazing that little (not that little) old me is their go-to person. I also found out a while back, through talking to other supply people, not everyone is on the guaranteed work scheme, like I am, and they keep offering me. So they obviously want me. Just thought I'd toot my own horn a bit, and share this with whoever reads this, because it has made me feel quite proud of myself. so... TOOT TOOT!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Germany Quiz
The following is my quiz for the germany/liverpool post, which u can find below this post. As per usual, first correct, or most correct entry wins a prize. And it is fairly good odds considering i usually get about 4 entries!
Q1: In Nuremburg Hitler planned to build a second, larger rally ground before his plans were halted due to the war. Work had already begun and the commenced site has been turned into...?
A) a war memorial B) a museum C) a lake D) office buildings
Q2: King Ludwig II didn't like flags so when he was in residence at Linderhof Castle he had his staff put 2 life size brass and enamel WHAT out the front of the doorway instead...?
A) Peacocks B) Lions C) Eagles D) Dogs
Q3: In Rothenburg in the 13th century the citizens of each house were legally required to store enough what to last their household an entire year...?
A) Potato B) Fresh Water C) Salted meat D) Grains
Q4: In the early days of santa claus he used to have a companion travel with him who was...?
A) his helper B) his opposite C) his wife D) his reindeer
Q5: In Frankfurt there is an area of town called Museumsufer and the city has 34 museums. Which of the following is NOT a museum found in Frankfurt...?
A) Ancient sculpture museum B) Ballet Museum C) Museum of German advertising D) Charlie Chaplin Museum
Q6: In Cologne there is a railway bridge that goes over the river and into the hauptbahnof (main station) and from (u can see it in foto below). How many trains go over this bridge each day?
A) 800 B) 14,000 C) 500 D) 2,000
Q7: Cologne Cathedral is the 2nd largest in Europe. Its relics bring people from all over the world to visit it. How many people visit the cathedral every day?
A) 15,000 B) 5,000 C) 7,500 D) 12,000
Q8: In the Hannover town hall you travel in a lift to the 3rd floor, then get in another lift which takes you to the top of the tower. This lift shares something with only one other lift in the world, the lift in the eiffel tower. What is it?
A) built by the same man B) engineered by the same man C) travels on an angle D) was built as a temporary measure but is still used today
Q9: Liverpool is famous for being the biggest trader in Europ of what in the 1740's?
A) Rice B) Salt C) Cotton D) Slaves
Q10: Between 1896 and 1956 Liverpool had WHAT that was the first of it's kind in the world when it was built?
A) Elevated railway B) Wet dock C) Clock tower D) Library
As usual, email me your guesses and I will let you know the winner. You have until NEXT friday, the 18th. Good Luck!!!
Q1: In Nuremburg Hitler planned to build a second, larger rally ground before his plans were halted due to the war. Work had already begun and the commenced site has been turned into...?
A) a war memorial B) a museum C) a lake D) office buildings
Q2: King Ludwig II didn't like flags so when he was in residence at Linderhof Castle he had his staff put 2 life size brass and enamel WHAT out the front of the doorway instead...?
A) Peacocks B) Lions C) Eagles D) Dogs
Q3: In Rothenburg in the 13th century the citizens of each house were legally required to store enough what to last their household an entire year...?
A) Potato B) Fresh Water C) Salted meat D) Grains
Q4: In the early days of santa claus he used to have a companion travel with him who was...?
A) his helper B) his opposite C) his wife D) his reindeer
Q5: In Frankfurt there is an area of town called Museumsufer and the city has 34 museums. Which of the following is NOT a museum found in Frankfurt...?
A) Ancient sculpture museum B) Ballet Museum C) Museum of German advertising D) Charlie Chaplin Museum
Q6: In Cologne there is a railway bridge that goes over the river and into the hauptbahnof (main station) and from (u can see it in foto below). How many trains go over this bridge each day?
A) 800 B) 14,000 C) 500 D) 2,000
Q7: Cologne Cathedral is the 2nd largest in Europe. Its relics bring people from all over the world to visit it. How many people visit the cathedral every day?
A) 15,000 B) 5,000 C) 7,500 D) 12,000
Q8: In the Hannover town hall you travel in a lift to the 3rd floor, then get in another lift which takes you to the top of the tower. This lift shares something with only one other lift in the world, the lift in the eiffel tower. What is it?
A) built by the same man B) engineered by the same man C) travels on an angle D) was built as a temporary measure but is still used today
Q9: Liverpool is famous for being the biggest trader in Europ of what in the 1740's?
A) Rice B) Salt C) Cotton D) Slaves
Q10: Between 1896 and 1956 Liverpool had WHAT that was the first of it's kind in the world when it was built?
A) Elevated railway B) Wet dock C) Clock tower D) Library
As usual, email me your guesses and I will let you know the winner. You have until NEXT friday, the 18th. Good Luck!!!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Guten Tag
Hello! I am back from my adventures in Germany, long and somewhat tiring yet completely amazing as they were. It is gonna be a LONG blog, so I'll jump straight into it...
26/4- I arrive at the Airport in Manchester about 4 hours early, as I was going to have a look at Manchester, but it was too hard to find a park, and I didn't want to get lost, so I gave up. I flew into Hannover, arriving at 10.30ish, getting my pack and catching the train to the main station, or Hauptbahnhof as they call them there, arriving at 11.05pm, when my train came at 11.55pm. This is what I saw of Hannover.

27/4- So technically a new day, although I had not had more than 45 mins sleep in the last 25 hours. I arrived at 8am in the brilliant sunshine and went to the hostel where they let me leave my pack, and pay, but obviously the room wasn't able to be checked into yet. Then I headed back into the Hauptbahnhof and found the info place, and got myself on a 2.5 hour coach tour of Nuremberg, seeing where the rallies were held, and the windows of the room where the trials were held, and then we went into the Castle and walked our way down through and to the main square, where we were dumped and left to find our own way back.
I was BOILING and my feet really hurt from all the pack carrying, so I found an Australian Gelato place and had one (not really any different to any other Gelato). I went back to the hostel, checked into the room, put on some shorts and a new top (as I had been in the same clothes for 27 hours) and left again to go on the U-bahn (metro) out the a park we saw on the bus tour, with a lake, and I sat out there for a while and went for a walk around the lake. There were signs everywhere with poison skull and cross bones and no swimming pictures, yet there were all these old people in speedos and bikinis *shudder* swimming in the lake!! Then I headed back, got showered and packed my stuff ready for my early start the next day and went to bed at 6pm, after my 35 hour long day!

28/4- I got up at 5 something to head for the station to catch my train to Munich. I slept pretty much straight through the night for 11hrs and didn't notice any of my 5 or 6 roommates come in, let alone the fact when I woke up there was a person above me, so they not only had to get up there, but also make the bed, and I felt nothing!! I arrived at Munich at 7.45 and had to meet my tour opposite the Hauptbahnhof at 8.30am. It was another glorious day and I was even wearing 3/4 length trousers and a singlet! I discovered my 3 day tour wasn't a 3 day tour, it was 3 days of tours/journeys combined randomly. Day 1 was a castles tour out from Munich. We went to Linderhof castle first. It wasn't as much a castle as a large house, that was owned by King Ludwig II.

It was good as he gave some of the historical stuff, and most of it was stories rather than facts and figures. He was funny too. Then I went back to the hotel, at 9.25, and it was all locked up so I had to use my key to let myself in the back door and then up to my room!
30/4- I got up the next morning, got dressed, had my free breakfast and went exploring. The guide of Rothenburg has a suggested walking tour you can do. Number one on the tour is the town hall, which has a tower you can climb to get amazing views of the city.
Climbing the stairs was a world of fun, as they got narrower and more rickety the higher you went, starting as marble spiral and ending up almost a ladder they were that far apart and that much of an angle. The last little bit to get up the top I had to leave my backpack with the guy you pay, cos I would never have gotten up there with it on! The views were good though. Another perfect day.

I went into the torture museum, which ironically is in what used to the the nunnery of the church it connects to. I then had a bit more of a wonder and went back to the hotel for my transfer to the bus to continue to Frankfurt. I arrived at about 9.30, checked into my hostel and went to bed.
01/05- (my legs were so sore this day from the steps the day before, and all the pack lugging around (12kg) and the sitting on trains and walking. It actually hurt to sit/stand/walk/go downstairs) May the 1st. I went to the info place which was supposed to open at 8am, but opened at 9am. That was my first warning sign. Then I asked if they had any bus tours or anything as I was only there for that day, and she said there was nothing because of the bike race. That was my second warning sign. Then I went for a walk around and the main square in the old part of town is all set up for something, with a stage and sound checks happening. That was my third warning sign. The whole town shut down because not only was there this bike race around the streets in a 4.5km circuit 2-3 times

2/05- I started my day getting hit on by a guy as I waited for the train at Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof. He asked me if I wanted to go to coffee, and my train was just pulling in, so I said I had to get on that train. Awwww. Oh well. Anyways... I travelled the nearly 3hrs to Cologne... or Koln as it is in German. When I got out the station I was amazed to see this huge cathedral towering over the whole of the city. Usually stuff is miles away from the main station, but this was RIGHT next door. It was literally breathtaking. 

I dumped my bag in a luggage locker at the station and headed to information, where they gave me some tips on a bus tour and some other options. I went for a stroll to find a chemist as the sun was making my sunburnt arms from the day before excruciatingly burning and I needed some aftersun and some sunblock. Once I had applied both of these I felt better. Then I headed back for a bus tour of the city, where we got to go over the other side of the river and get off the bus to take photos looking backwards towards the city, and see the skyline.

After that tour I went back to get my pack, and book a seat for my train trip the next day, and then caught the U-Bahn to the sticks where my hostel was. I was SO annoyed because it took me an hour to find the hostel once I left the station, walking around in the heat with 12kg+ strapped to my back. I even had to ask for help in an office block and the guy had to find someone who spoke English to translate his directions! I'm glad I didn't waste time in the morning when I got there trying to find it. When I finally got there I checked in, went up to my room, had a shower, and couldn't be bothered going anywhere else.
3/05- I got up, had breakfast with my 2 nice roommates, then caught the U-bahn back to the Hauptbahnhof to catch my train to Hannover. Another almost 3 hr trip. Another glorious day, although there was a bit of cloud cover. When I got to Hannover I put my back in a locker again, then went to info and asked about a tour, as I only had 2hrs before I had to head to the airport. There was a coach tour that was 2.5hrs. GRRR. Or there was a walking tour where you follow the red line on a map. They even dumbed it down and you literally followed a red line.

Upon arriving in Manchester I picked up my bag, then drove from the carpark to the other end of that street where my guesthouse was, and watched some TV before going to bed.
4/05- I got up, had breakfast, then loaded the car again, and drive to Liverpool. Once there I parked up and got on the open top bus tour, doing one full loop first, then getting off at the Beatles Story, which was a pretty cool tour of their history. Then I went to the new "ultramodern" Catholic Church.

Then I went back to my car and drove down to Marion's place where I did some washing, watched a DVD and went to bed.
5/05- We got up fairly early and drove to Salcey forest where there is a wooden walkway called the treetops walk. It was quite cool to be up that high, but unlike the ones in Australia where you would see parrots and possums, snakes and koalas, we saw a robin, a squirrel and some tadpoles!

Then we went to a place called Orley, where we had a mooch, then we went back and I baked 72 cupcakes for the band fete. That night I took them all to Louise & Dom's new place where we decorated them all.

6/05- We had a lazy day and I watched another dvd and did not a lot else. Then we all had dinner and I drove back down.
7/05- Today was the band fete, or as I have come to affectionately call it... a fete worse than death. It was ALMOST called of because of the weather, however it started to clear and we had not too bad a day, except for the stupid wind that made everything difficult, especially playing music that kept flapping away. Everyone commented on how nice my cakes looked! It'll be interesting to see how much money the band made. I won 2 prizes in the raffle at the end! YAY ME! Anyways, that brings us up to now. As I have spent the last hour and a but typing this, and now I need to add photos and I'm done. There is going to be a quiz, but I need to go to bed as I am working tomorrow, so I will put it on in a day or 2. And the winner of the last prize for telling me something surprising was my friend who told me he got engaged.
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