I set this up so that everyone can keep track of me on my travels. Hope you enjoy reading.

Friday, May 12, 2006

80 days to go!!

Ok, so, I'm starting to stress about money. Anyone wanna give me loads of money?? One minute I think I'm fine and the next i think I'm bankrupt! :P Oh well, only one way to find out how long i can live on weetbix and baked beans!
They have a new director for work too, she starts in 2 weeks, so that will be sumthing else to deal with too. This whole month off work is starting to look like a nice option now! a month with no paperwork and no deadlines and no meetings. JOY! :D
I've lost my remote for the tv, hmm, i had it yesterday, and now i don't. If you come across it, could you please give it back? Ta!!
I'm going on a picnic tomorrow... What's the bet it rains?
Anyways, i hafta get ready for band tonight.

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