I as at work today and I was talking to the kids about how many days until different things, and I said "only 30 more days before I go away" and a couple of kids said "where are you going?" and one boy says "she's gonna be dead". I then had to correct them that I would not be dead in 30 days, or at least I hoped not!
So, what's new? Ummm, I have been sick and run down and had 2 days off last week and will be having the next week off as well. Yay! Cos there's nothing I like more than being sick! Ummm, I went to a party on the weekend and discovered everyone one I know from school is married, getting married, living wit sumone, buying houses, or the other end is studying for their 2nd, 3rd or 4th degree, or in the midst of changing jobs, still not quite knowing what they wanna be when they grow up.
I have discovered that the clothes I bought for England to work in, my nice things I have been collecting, weigh 17Kgs, 3 Kilos less than my maximum limit, so I am going to be shipping some over.
I have also decided I am going to do the following tour once I get there, and after I have caught up with relos, found a place to stay and had my interviews, before the work starts....

Except I am planning on starting in Lauterbrunnen and finishing in Florence, because Pisa is only 1.5 hrs from there, so I can do that in a day, and then the timing is perfect. Plus these countries are on my list of important countries to see. I figure I can do france myself later, and then I can get a feel of the backpacking lifestyle.
Ok, that's about it for now. I can't think of anything else to say, so until 50 days to go.... bye!
I'd say going to live overseas comes on a par with 'getting married' etc. at our age :).
the tour looks fantastic :) envious.
How long are you going to take to do that circuit?
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