I finally got my money cleared and in my account for my car, but that also means I'm trapped at home, and have been since Monday. Mum and Dad are up the coast today, they went up yesterday, so I am held hostage at home, cos I can't go anywhere without a car, or a driver. So i am using this time to do mundane things like finish my KevShazza book. Here is my fave KevShazza photo...

I am just worried that because he got spat on by an Echidna, he will get me stopped in customs because they will thing I'm trying to smuggle in an Echidna! Oh well. At Featherdale he was kind of attacked by several animals, a wallaby tried to eat one of his corks, another kangaroo tried to eat him, and this echidna spat on him! Such a trecherous life he leads!
So, tomorrow is my b'day. I'm gonna be another day older than I am today! Joy! And, as I have discovered in my research, I will no longer be classed as "youth" so cannot get discount tickets when travelling in Europe. That sucks! Oh... speaking of which, I have changed my plans for the tour I was going to do. It's just too hard to get to Switzerland for cheap, and travel within there. I have been working out that the best way to do it, so I have time to do things, is to fly straight into Salzburg, Austria, because then I can do the Sound of Music tour (which I can't NOT do, when I'm in that part of the world). Then from there I will travel down to Italy and tour my own bits of Italy on train networks, because I can come and go as I please, where as with the bus I had to go every second day, but if I ended up in a place that I got bored with, I could move on to the next place on my own, without worrying about fitting in with other people's time frames. High on a hill sat a lonely goatherd, Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo.
Ok, so I hafta continue with my to do list, so when the parentals get back tonight they have nothing to complain about, because I'll have done everything I said I would.
Didn't know you were coming over to Old Blighty for a year!!!
You'll have to drop me an email and give me a call when you get here!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live here in the UK now instead of Laos.
(It'd Daimon by the way)...
Drop an email on sai_p (at) hotmail . com
Remember to have fun. The storytelling can come later.
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