I have thus far received no work. I am not overly fussed by this, as I was warned by both agencies that it would be slow from the beginning, but would then pick up. So in the meantime my life exists of getting up at 6.45, showering, waiting to see if i am working today, then finding sumthing to do with my day, that doesn not involve a massive outlay of funds.
I spent Monday sorting thru all the fotos i have taken thus far on my travels on my laptop, and naming them, filing them etc. Tuesday (yesterday) I went to Stonehenge, and there signed up for a national trust 12 month membership, which gives me free entry into their sites, of which Stonehenge is one. It was grey and miserable there. This photo doesnt really show this, but the really gloomy ones didn't show the rocks enough, so i compromised.

Next I went to Old Sarum, which was in the book of National Trust places, and only about 30 mins away. It is an ancient castle fortress with a moat. It was destroyed when the ppl abandoned it tho, so its truly ruins. (note the clouds are a lighter grey here)From here I drove thru Salisbury and went to Salisbury cathedral. It has the magna carta in it, but you can't take any fotos in the room where it is, incase the flash going off affects the room or some rubbish. Its not like the old ones where the smoke comes out, i don't think a foto will cause structural damage! (noe the sunlight through the clouds)
And finally I went to Old Wardour Castle. I fell in love with this place. It is gorgeous. There's so many litle stairways and hidden areas and it's so out of the way that unless you knew it was there, you wouldn't stumble across it. I took WAY too many fotos here, but it was beautiful, so you can't blame me! One side of the castle it ruins from a civil war attack, and the other side is still relatively untouched. (note the sky colour- about 27 degrees here)So that was my adventures yesterday. I have finally met all the housemates. They are never all here at the same time, but I have met them all. The only other girl is rarely here, as she is moving into her boyfriend's place, so she will be gone completely at the end of the month. Then there's another guy who is going to be leaving mid October when his house is built. Then theres a french student who is doing 6 months over here, so who knows when his 6 months ends. He is nice, but his english is poor, and my french is worse, and its a matter of how much patience u have to explain everything 20 times. Then theres the guy who lives downstairs who is nice, laid back, chatty. And finally the oldest guy here who is only here mon-thurs and goes sumwhere else on weekends. They are all nice tho, and yeah, thats that.
Anyways, it is 8.24am here, and it doesn't look like I am going to get a fone call to work today, so I might see where I can go to today. Might go to Wales for a bit of an explore.
those sites are awesome :D. hope I can see them in real life one day.
Great photos! I hope I can get to see these places for myself too!
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