Had my national insurance interview today, that was fun, I mean boring. I was one of the few ppl having an interview that didn’t have to be SPOKEN ... TO ... SLOWLY ... AND ... LOUDLY ... WITH ... THE ... HOPES ... THAT ... WOULD ... HELP ... THEM ... UNDERSTAND. Cos everyone knows if u don’t speak English, being spoken to like ur a deaf idiot makes it suddenly all make sense. There was another aussie guy there, he actually sounded like mick Dundee, which I thought was hilarious, cos that’s how ppl think we talk anyways. I have had several children ask me if I speak Australian. I say “yes”. They say “cool, can you say something in Australian?” I say “yeah, I just did” and they look confused. Yet they all know steve Irwin and I assume could understand him when he was speaking. Very odd.
Its raining…… yet again….. I can see why ppl who live here are referred to as whinging poms, and I really don’t blame them, I’m turning into one myself! What with the rain and the traffic and the price of everything! I am bracing myself to purchase a winter coat, cos the cheapest I have seen was like 50 pounds and for 3-4 months of wearing, its hardly worth $120, considering the cheap ones aren’t exactly glamorous, or even vaguely stylish! I keep putting it off, because a) I don’t think its “winter coat” cold yet, and b) its expensive.
I can’t understand how ppl who live here, therefore are more aclimatised wear thick coats as early as september and turn up the heating so it a sauna when it is only 17 degrees outside, yet I am coming from one of “the most unforgiving climates in the world” as I read the other day, yet I am ok with just a think jacket on, and have the windows open.
I got a blister today cos all my socks were in the wash and were drying, so i hadta wear my shoes with no socks, and i go and get a blister, which i really hope fixes itself by next week for traipsing around amsterdam. Speaking of which, I am going to be completely seized up by the time I get back to Australia and the physios are gonna have a field day on my leg muscles, because all this walking I have been doing on my adventures, coupled with all the sitting down in between (driving for hours, flying etc) is not doing my legs any favours. I COULD find a physio here, but i would waste the entire initial consultation just filling them in on my history! Plus, if I can barely afford a winter coat, I can't exactly see my forking out UK money for someone to inflict pain and suffering on me! I am not that much a masochist! I will wait until the pain comes entirely from my legs, not also from my bank account!
I just watched Extras, which is quite funny... ricky gervais new tv series. dunno if u have it out there yet, but it is amusing, then every episode has a really hilarious moment in it.
No photos from this week, so I will put in one of my random fotos of some underwear u could buy in Pisa of Michelangelo's David. He also came on an apron...

1 comment:
When they ask you to speak Australian just throw together some random words and name places adding pauses and inflections as you think necessary e.g. wagga wagga combantrum broome? ahh midday derryn quokka hinch!
Also works when claiming that you are in fact Taswegian, from Taswegia and therefore do not speak a word of English.
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