I managed to dodge a bullet though because they didn't get me to change any nappies, even though I am legally allowed to as I'm not a paedophile, so I just go to them "he has done a poo" and they changed him. BRILLIANT!
The car survived the trip every day. I have done over 500 miles in a week. It shudders when I change gears, well, jerks more than shudders, and when u get it to 5th gear and take it to 4 on the revs dial (staying well within the legal speed limit at all times, of course) the car starts jerking again. So I had to stay with the flow on the motorway. Monday was fun, and Tuesday, but Monday particularly as I wasn't sure where I was going. It was foggy, like couldn't see the house over the road foggy when I left at 7.10am. The motorway was less foggy than Bradley stoke, but it was still quite bad, so you couldn't see the signs until the were right next to you, not good when your not sure where u are! There are these electronic signs down the middle of the motorway so when there is a crash or something they flash and light up "50" so you know to slow down. On Monday and Tuesday they read "Fog" which was AWESOME and helpful, because you couldn't see them until you were upon them because of the fog! The red ring shows the sign that says fog. See what I mean!

Well - used as a replacement for very, e.g. "I was well impressed with that"
Lush - cute, adorable, "awww, you're lush"
Paddy - tantrum, "he just had a proper paddy then"
Babes - apparently exactly the same as babe, "aww, babe, come back" but said as a plural
And now for the confusing ones:
Rubbish is considered a swear word "that was rubbish" "you're rubbish"
lunch is called dinner, but only when it's hot otherwise it's still lunch, dessert is called pudding, dinner is called tea, unless u had lunch, not dinner at lunchtime in which case it's still dinner, unless its at 3pm, then its still tea but its afternoon tea. Did you get all that?
Hmm, what else? Nothing. It's been a busy week with all the traveling, 9-6pm shifts and leaving the house at 7 and getting home at 7. Tuesday I have a fun day, because I am back in Swindon, in a different nursery, from 8-6. Joy for 10 hour shifts and joy for 8am start, because it means I get to leave at 6.30am! WOOT! And Wednesday is 10-6, so that's not SO bad. They offered me a 5 day a week contract until Xmas as a teacher in a class with autistic children (with 3 support staff) however there were 2 problems. A) It was in Swindon. B) It was starting Monday and I am going to Prague on 22nd so not available. But it would have been good experience otherwise. I asked why they keep sending me to Swindon and they said it is because there are more jobs there, and I am one of the few who will go, so they offer it to me. I don't like going, but if I don't go I might get no work or half a day nursery stuff here, which is crap pay, plus they pay me some petrol money, so it's not TOO bad.Thanks for my ONE comment last time, random as it was. I'm over my home sickness. For now! Looks like it might rain. I think I’ll nip to the shops now and get some food before that happens. Ciao!
don't forget that sweets are lollies and that lollies are iceblocks!!
Rach - didnt know i could comment direct on the blog. Having a great time reading all your antics - good fun keep it up. Sent you an e mail the other day - hope you got it. Love Alan E
Raych, Just had a very happy time catching up from Amsterdam....you are doing a great job..I love the Blog. Sending you an email today. Love Susan Nery
Hope prague finds you well.
M&D got some weird phone message that they think was from you on their answering machine. It's hard to tell what they meant by weird as they were out watching "Priscilla Queen of the Desert" the musical when the message came through. We're hoping it wasn't a cry for help from the middle of transylvania or something - they will try to call you today to catch up.
we think you'll know the answer to this.
- who was fuzzy wuzzy
- why did he have no hair?
Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear and fuzzy wuzzy had no hair so fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he?
now for the more important.... why??
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