Ok, that's a lie! I wouldn't walk 10,000 miles, I probably wouldn't even walk 10 miles... but... this is leading somewhere... I promise... stay with me... I pulled into the driveway today after being up at Milton Keynes for the weekend and my Mileage went over to 30,050. When I bought big red it was 20,050. So I have done 10,000 miles exactly in 7.5 months. Not bad! And I haven't even done that much visiting places in weekend, that's just working and driving to airports and to relatives! That's just over 16,000km.
Oh, and I'm green this week cos it was St Patrick's day yesterday, so I decided to do green as my tribute to it. As much as I would have liked to have been in Ireland for it, I'm kind of glad I wasn't because of the drinking aspect. They mentioned on the radio that one town is having an invisible parade, where everyone dresses up, lines the street and a commentator announces the next float in the parade, but there is nothing coming down the street, yet the crowd still cheers. Ahhh, to be mental, to be mental!
Anyways, yes, that's the highlight of my week. The weather has gone schizophrenic today, and there was glorious sunshine this morning at my Aunt's up in Milton Keynes, then it clouded over, then it rained, then it had tiny hail, apparently some parts of England got blizzard hail, last night was super windy, Northern Scotland had hurricane strength winds! MENTAL! It was also like 15'C yesterday, and 7'C today. Silly! Mind you, I have another cold, with a head full of snot, and a temperature, so I am feeling superhot all the time. (and not Superhawt, cos snot is never an attractive quality!) Sorry if anyone is eating while reading this! I shall conclude this topic by saying using 4 boxes of tissues in 4 days has left me with a very sore nose :(

I am very disappointed with the number of entries I got in my fairy quiz. COME ONE PEOPLE! I am starting to think no one is reading this anymore. *grumbles* So far the best is 2 correct answers. Clearly no one has been talking to the fairies and asking them.
Umm, what else happened last week? Not a lot. I discovered that my cousin who had a slight bingle with her old car had to write it off, cos it was worth less than the cost of fixing it, but wasn't a complete wreck. So now all of my pommy cousins have written off cars. The best I managed was a couple of weeks ago I had a fight with a lorry on a roundabout and it won, and my car had a big chunk of paint missing from the rear passenger door that the lorry took as a souvenir of the event. Luckily that's all I did, cos it sounded WAY worse from inside the car and I was so expecting the wing mirror to be ripped off, but instead it just folded in, and I folded it back out. Now some of you must be thinking 'wow, 2 speeding fines and an accident in that short a time, that's bad' but let me refer you to how much driving I have done, and it seems not quite so bad!
It is mother's day here today. I had a class of yr 5 kids on thursday that were making mother's day cards in the afternoon and they kept asking me what else they should put on them, and I kept replying 'Elephants! Nothing says "happy mothers day" like an elephant' and they all thought I was weird, and that it was some bizarre Australian tradition. One girl actually drew a picture of her mum riding an elephant, cos she thought her mum would like an elephant!! Hey, if u can't mess with children's minds, who's minds can u mess with?
The school I was at on friday was ok (yr 5 as well... i get more yr 5 classes than any other grade, random), but it was a messed up day cos it was red nose day, so they were a bit excited by that, then it was p.e. so that was exciting too, then in the afternoon 9 of them went to a netball tournament. So it was a bit chaotic. It was one of the first classes I haven't had work left for me, so I just used some lessons I have put together and played games and stuff with them I have learnt from other schools. In the afternoon I did a lesson on Aboriginal dreamtime stories I have adapted for all age groups and get the kids to write their own stories about Seahorses or Fish and how they got something in the format of 'how the birds got their colours' etc. We were having a rather relaxed day so there was lots of mucking around and joking, and the stories were great, because they used this humour in their stories too. At the end of the day they asked if I was back Monday cos I was 'The funniest teacher ever' and when I said no, they moaned. Then one kid (the class clown) came up and shook my hand and said it was a pleasure to meet me. So yeah, that put a smile on my dial.
Anyways, I need to put away washing and tidy stuff so I can find my bed so I have somewhere to sleep! (mum, just ignore that last sentence... and think happy thoughts!)

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